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Biofield Tuning

What is Biofield Tuning ?

Biofield Tuning uses sound waves created by tuning forks to rebalance and harmonise the energy field (biofield) around the bodies. Using the tuning forks you gently support the body in recognising and changing its own vibrational imbalances, helping it to autocorrect, allowing emotions to pass through rather than suppressing them. 

Our biofield stores the records of all our life experiences in standing waves. It is timelined with information at the outer edge of the field related to gestation, birth and earliest childhood, information close to the body being recent or current.

The space around our bodies is not an empty vacuum. Difficult memories, experiences, illness, emotions and pain leave disruptive energy in this space. I use tuning forks to detect the disruptions and re-tune them back to a healthy state. The stuck and almost frozen energy is released enabling the return of better health and wellbeing.

As a practitioner, we are feeling for resistance or turbulence in the client's energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area he/she continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot.  Once completed the dissonance resolves and the sense of resistance gives way. This appears to correspond to the release of tension within the body. 

What are the health benefits of Biofield Tuning?

It is a simple, non-invasive, and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes. Helping to relieve:

  • Physical pain

  • Mental and emotional issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Low energy

  • ME, Fibromyalgia

  • OCD, addiction

  • Depression

  • Anxiety, worry, stress

  • PTSD

  • Digestive disorders

  • Menstrual issues

  • Fears/phobias

  • Migraines

  • Inflammation

Sound as a form of healing has been used by every culture on every continent for many thousands of years, it is the original healing method. The Tibetans and Nepalese cultures use bells, gongs, voice and singing bowls, Australian Aborigines the didgeridoo,  the Native Americans use rattles and drums and all these types of sound healing bring people from distressed states to relaxed, aware presence.

We do not just perceive sound through our ears, but we experience and sense it through our entire bodies and all the water in us conduct sound waves. Our cell membranes have little antennas that vibrate like tuning forks in response to the vibrational information in our environments.

Sound is used in the medical profession where they use ultrasound for scans, healing bones, tendons, and ligaments as well as to break up kidney stones. We have all experienced how music affects our moods, contrasting with loud noisy environments to the gentle birdsong in a woodland. The body responds to sound.

What to expect during a Biofield Balance session?

During a the 90 minute Biofield Balance session, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner "scans" the body using the turning fork looking for resistance or instability in the biofield. The practitioner will start from a distance outside the Body (5-6feet) and slowly work his/her way toward the body looking for turbulent areas. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area, they continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot. Research suggests the body’s organisational energy uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to “tune” itself. In short order, the dissonance resolves and the sense of resistance gives way. A series of three sessions close together are recommended to begin with. Often issues can be greatly improved within three sessions and the effects are cumulative – each session builds on the one before. There are always deeper layers one can address.



60 min session $120

90 min session $140


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